Yes I realized that I just cursed in front of my child. Thank you for your concern.

I curse like a sailor, really my dad was a Navy man for years, and I curse in front of Alexander. Some people think it strange, some think it rude, and some just think I’m a horrible mom.

I think that as long as a “bad” word is used in the proper context with the proper timing it is fine. Cursing just to curse is rude, and so is cursing just to get attention. I have witnessed several kids learn a new “bad word” and say it repeatably either because it gets attention or they enjoy the novelty of it.

I think that if Alexander grows up knowing what cursing is as well as the proper context, place, and time it is appropriate we will avoid those scenarios.

Also I refer to his penis as penis. It drives my mother crazy, but I never really cared for those cutesy names. That, however is a post for another day.

1 thought on “Yes I realized that I just cursed in front of my child. Thank you for your concern.

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